Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pirated Eggs

During a recent raid on a wholesale centre in Guangzhou C ity , the capital of China 's Guangdong province, a large quantity of fake eggs was seized. Their wholesale price is 0.15 yuan (S$0.03) each - half the price of a real egg.
Consumers have a hard time telling a genuine egg from a fake one. This is good news for unscrupulous entrepreneurs, who are even conducting three-day courses in the production of artificial eggs for less than S$150.
A reporter with Hong Kong-based Chinese magazine EastWeek enrolled in one such course. To create egg white, the instructor - a woman in her 20s - used assorted ingredients such as gelatin, an unknown powder, benzoic acid, coagulating material and even alum, which is normally used for industrial processes.

For egg yolk, some lemon-yellow colouring powder is mixed to a liquid and the concoction stirred. The liquid is then poured into a round-shaped plastic mould and mixed with so-called 'magic water', which contains calcium chloride.

This gives the 'yolk' a thin outer membrane, firming it up. The egg is then shaped with a mould. The shell is not forgotten. Paraffin wax and an unidentified white liquid are poured onto the fake egg, which is then left to dry.

The artificial egg can be fried sunny-side up or steamed. Although bubbles appear on the white of the egg, those who have tasted it say the fake stuff tastes very much like the real thing .

But experts warn of the danger of eating fake eggs. Not only do they not contain any nutrients, a HongKong Chinese University professor warned that long-term consumption of alum could cause dementia or mental disease .

To make the egg white, various ingredients, including a powder and alum, are mixed together

The 'yolk' is shaped in the round mould. 'Magic water' containing calcium chloride is used.

Hardy shells are formed by pouring paraffin wax and a liquid onto the egg, which are then left to dry.

UNBELIEVABLE ?? BELIEVE IT ! Just make sure the eggs you have at breakfast are REAL ones.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Anda sentiasa terpaksa bersusah payah dlm kehidupan???

Anda Bosan???

Anda Fikir Duit???


Anda hanya perlu menulis KOMEN dan setiap komen anda akan dinilai. Jika anda bernasib baik anda akan MENANG. Mudah bukan???

Hadiah wang tunai;

Tempat pertama: RM200
Tempat kedua: RM150
Tempat ketiga: RM100
Lima (5) hadiah saguhati: RM10 setiap seorang.


Sila layari;

Syarat Penyertaan

2 Different Life StYle..

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A Way To Be Happy

Believe in yourself

Be brave...but it's ok to be afraid sometimes

Study hard

Laugh often

Don't be overly concerned with your weight, it's just a number

Meet new people, even if they look different to you


There is always someone who loves you more than you know

And smile at least once a day!

Life Is Short

Monday, November 26, 2007

Camel Beriani...

Do you want try this??

Minda Mempengaruhi Tindak Balas Tubuh

Manusia bukan terdiri daripada jisim semata mata yang boleh diperlakukan seperti mesen yang boleh dirobek, dan ditukar ganti seperti membaiki kenderaan. Manusia selain fizikal, manusia juga terdiri daripada akal (mental), berperasaan (emosi) dan bernyawa (spiritual). Setiap unsur ini mempengaruhi antara satu sama lain. Oleh itu, penyakit perlu mengambil kira keterlibatan unsur-unsur ini keseluruhannya.

Setiap yang kita fikirkan akan mempengaruhi fisiologi tubuh. Kerana itulah lahirnya falsafah "Penyakit berpunca daripada runtuhnya akhlak". Setiap hari (pada hari biasa), biasanya (hampir kesemua orang) akan bersarapan pagi (sebelum ke sekolah atau kerja) iaitu kira-kira pukul 7.00 pagi. Ada juga yang bersarapan atau dipanggil "minum pagi" pada pukul antara 9.00 pagi ke 10.00 pagi. Setelah bersarapan, tiba waktu tengah hari kita kemungkinan akan makan tengah hari antara pukul 1.00 petang ke 2.00 petang. Andai kata kita tidak makan tengah hari sehingga lewat pukul 2.00 petang, sudah tentu kita akan merasa lapar yang amat sangat walaupun kita telah minum pagi.

Tetapi kenapa pada bulan Ramadan, ketika sedang berpuasa, kita langsung tidak rasa lapar seperti itu walaupun tidak sempat bersahur pada hari tersebut?

Jawapannya kerana kita telah berniat untuk berpuasa (antara waktu maghrib hingga imsak) . Dengan niat tersebut, kita telah menyediakan fisiologi tubuh untuk tidak merembeskan enzim-enzim penghadaman. Rembesan enzin-enzim ini (terutama daripada pankreas dan hati) akan membuat kita merasa terlalu lapar.

Sebenarnya banyak femonema lain yang berlaku pada diri anda yang tidak disedari. Kesimpulannya di sini ialah niat mempengaruhi tindak balas tubuh.

Ujian memanjangkan tangan

Anda boleh lakukan sendiri ujian ini, ia sangat mudah dan hanya mengambil masa 1 minit! Sila lihat rajah di bawah, fahami dan ikut langkah yang diberikan satu persatu.

1. Mula-mula depakan tangan seperti rajah di bawah. Rapatkan jari dan halakan tapak tangan ke hadapan.

2. Kemudian fikirkan dengan tumpuan bahawa "tangan kanan saya lebih panjang daripada tangan kiri". Fikirkannya secara berterusan tanpa henti, tetapi jangan gerakkan bahu anda atau membuat sebarang pergerakan fizikal yang lain melainkan seperti yang diarahkan. Maknanya buat macam biasa, bersantai.

3. Sambil fikiran masih tetap memikirkan (secara berulang-ulang dan penuh tumpuan dan bersantai) bahawa "tangan kanan lebih panjang daripada tangan kiri", sekarang dengan perlahan-lahan cuba gerakkan tangan anda ke arah untuk mengatubkannya depa ke hadapan. Ikut seperti gambar di bawah.

4. Teruskan hingga kedua-dua tapah tangan anda bertemu. Selepas itu, kekalkan kedua-dua tapak tangan anda dalam keadaan seolah-olah seperti melekat, tanpa mengubahnya, kemudian tarik dan cuba lihat apa yang terjadi?

Didapati tangan kanan kita akan kelihatan lebih sedikit dalam 0.5 cm ke 2 cm mengikut kekuatan fokus dan niat.

5. Kemudian, uji semula untuk tangan sebelah kiri seperti langkah di atas. Selepas itu, uji sekali lagi tangan sebelah kanan semula dan lakukan beberapa kali untuk kiri dan kanan hingga anda berpuas hati.

Ujian ini amat menarik untuk menerangkan kuasa minda.

Untuk bacaan lanjut sila layari post:Minda Mempengaruhi Tindak Balas Tubuh

Where in the World is this place???

Clear Water...........

Blue water..... I wonder where this place is?

Amazing scenery!!!!!!

Tempting water.... can even see the fish....

You'll never guess that its.......

Sungai Jagong Waterfall at Sungai Jagong (Kedah), Malaysia

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Can YoU DO This???

Look like "Hammer Jaws"...

Can You BeLieVe These Are CAKES??

Marvelous artwork! I just can't bring myself to cut such nice collections and more so to eat them!

A , B , C......

ABC reminders for parents...if only it was as easy as ABC :-)

A-- is for Accountability. Hold your children accountable for theirbehaviour.
B --is for Boundaries. Set specific limits, and make clear therepercussions if those limits are exceeded.
C --is for Consistency. Hold to the same principles and practices.
D-- is for Discipline. Make the punishment fit the crime. Never disciplinein anger.
E --is for Example. Children are in greater need of models than critics.Set a good example.
F-- is for Forgiveness. Practice it, and teach the importance of forgiving.
G-- is for Giving. Teach the joy of giving, not only to family and friends,but to strangers in need.
H --is for Humour. Keep your sense of humour. Promote laughter with yourchildren.
I --is for Imagination. Be creative, and play with your children. Make upstories or songs when you read and sing with them.
J --is for Justice. Be fair, and insist that they be fair, also.
K --is for Knowing your children's friends and their parents as well astheir teachers.
L --is for Listening. Listen to your children. It will teach them how tolisten to others, and their thoughts will give you insights.
M --is for Morals. Be sure your own standard of conduct is sound.
N --is for No. Use it, and mean it.
O --is for Outdoors. Provide as much outdoor activity as possible. Teachrespect for nature.
P-- is for Pressure. Reduce the pressure on your children, but insist theymaintain high standards.
Q-- is for Questions. Pay close attention to their questions, and givesimple answers unless they demand more.
R-- is for Respect. Show respect, teach respect and earn respect.
S-- is for Source of Strength. Share your own faith or beliefs with yourchildren. Faith can be their port in the storms of life later.
T-- is for Togetherness. Have special, designated times to be together as afamily - but know when to let go, too.
U-- is for Uniqueness. Understand the uniqueness of each child, and letthat child be who he or she is.
V-- is for Voice. Tone of voice can convey more to a child than the wordsspoken.
W-- is for Words. Keep your word. Promises broken destroy trust.
X-- is for eXamine. Examine constantly, and be aware.
Y-- is for You. Take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually.A happy parent helps a child be happy.
Z-- is for Zowie! Who would have thought they would grow up so quickly?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Amazing Illusion ever!

Is the Book Looking Towards You OR away from you???

2.If you take a look at the following picture , let me tell you .... it is not animated. Your eyes are making it move. To test this, stare at one spot for a couple seconds and everything will stop moving. Or loo k at the black center of each circle and it will stop moving. But move your eyes to the next black center and the previous will move after you take your eyes away from it.... Weird


You should see a man's face and also a word... Hint: Try tilting your head to the right, the world begins with 'L'


Do you see gray areas in between the squares? Now where did they come from?


Are the purple lines straight or bent?



Is This Possible??

Thursday, November 22, 2007

MemO KePAda SemUA StaFF

Staff Sekalian,

Perhatian kepada semua staff. Berkuatkuasa pada tahun 2007, syarikat ini akan menguatkuasakan peraturan baru kepada semua staff. Perkara yang digubal adalah seperti berikut:-

Sekiranya anda memandu kereta import, kereta mewah atau kereta Honda contohnya, kami menganggap anda sudah terlalu mewah, jadi tiada kenaikan gaji.Sekiranya anda memandu kereta yang telah uzur, lebih dari 10 tahun atau menggunakan pengangkutan awam, kami mengandaikan anda mempunyai banyak simpanan, jadi tiada kenaikan gaji.Sekiranya anda memandu kerata nasional samaada proton atau perodua, kami mengandaikan anda telah berada di level yang sepatutnya, jadi tiadake naikan gaji.

Setiap orang akan mendapat cuti 104 hari dalam setahun dan kebanyakannya ialah hari sabtu dan ahad.

1) Staff yang kurus akan diberi rehat selama 30 minit.Ini kerana mereka perlu makan lebih untuk kesihatan.
2) Untuk saiz normal, mereka akan diberi rehat selama 15 minit. Ini kerana mereka sedang elok dan cuma perlu mengambil makanan secara stabil.
3) Untuk mereka yang gemuk, mereka akan diberi rehat selama 5 minit sahaja. Ini kerana mereka cuma perlu makan pil dan susu atau teh untuk menguruskan badan.

Mulai 2007 kami tidak lagi mengiktiraf sijil sakit dari Doktor ini kerana sekiranya anda mampu pergi ke Klinik untuk dapatkan MC, anda tentu boleh pergi kerja juga.

Kami mendapat aduan ramai staff yang mengambil masa terlalu lama didalam tandas. Mulai tahun 2007 setiap seorang hanya boleh menggunakan tandas selama 5 minit sahaja. Sekiranya lebih dari 5 minit secara automatiknya tandas akan di pam, tisu akan stuck, pintu akan terbuka dan kemera akan menyala.Sekiranya lebih dari 2 kali gambar anda dirakam, kami akan menampal gambar anda di notis board di bawah korum 'staff sembelit'.

Selagi anda menjadi staff di sini, kami tidak membenarkan anda melakukan sebarang pembedahan. Jangan cuba mengeluarkan apa-apa saja organ dari dalam badan anda kerana kami mengambil anda bekerja kerana anda mempunyai organ yang cukup. Sekiranya tidak, ini bermakna anda telah melanggar kontrak.

Segala penggunaan internet atas urusan peribadi seperti membaca e-mail,chatting dan games akan dikenakan bayaran RM2.00 sejam (sama seperti harga pasaran). Bayaran ini akan ditolak dari gaji anda.Sebagai permulaan, 73% staff di sini tidak akan mendapat gaji selama 3 bulan, ini kerana harga penggunaan internet sahaja telah melebihi 3 bulan gaji mereka.

Terima kasih kerana masih setia berkhidmat di syarikat ini. Kami akan cuba memberikan perkhidmatan yang terbaik. Sebarang pertanyaan, komen,aduan, kekecewaan, sakit hati, bantahan, maki hamun, caci nista boleh disalurkan ke tempat lain.

Sekian, terima kasih.

Yang mengikut perintah

If U doNt!!!!

Please send this message to every one you know.
If you dont.... A Muslim(s) around the world could be receiving false information about Islam which you know about, so I would send this messages as soon as u have read it.

Beware of the following websites:


These sites ha! ve been developed by Jews Who Intentionally spread wrong information about the QURAN , the HADITH and the Islam Please spread this information To all the Muslim brothers and sisters around the world. Al ways check the source of any Islamic web site even if it is very convincing A FAKE AMERICAN QURAAN

You Cant Ignore this, send it to as many muslims as u can. The new AMERICAN Quran: a dangerous trick A new Quran is being distributed in Kuwait , titled ' The True Furqan ' . It is being described as the ayats of the Shaytan and Al-Furqan weekly magazine has found out that the two American printing companies; ' Omega 2001 ' and ' Wine Press ' are involved in the publishing of ' The True Furqan ' , a book which has also been titled ' The 21st Century Quran ' ! It is over 366 pages and is inboth the Arabic and English is being distributed to our children in Kuwait in the private English schools! The book contains 77 Surats, which i! nclude Al-Fatiha, Al-Jana and Al-Injil. Instead of Bismillah, each Surat begins with a longer vesion of this incorporating the Christian belief of the three spirits.

And this so! called Quran opposes many Islamic beliefs. in one of its ayats it describes having more than one wife as fornication, divorce being non-permissable and it uses a new system for the sharing out of the will, opposing the current one. It states that Jihad is HARAAM. This book even goes as far as attacking Allah, Subhanahu wa Tahala! All this is poisoning our children at approx. $3. Brothers and Sisters please make sure you forward this email to as many people as possible so that we can stop this dangerous trick. Please tell everyone you know and may Allah reward you.